
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Health Tip Tuesday: Posture

There are SO many health benefits to having proper posture that I barely know where to begin. Less stress on back and joints - aids in breathing better - portrays a healthy, lean you (and who doesn't want that, right?) - etc.

Proper posture is an adage that is as old as the trees, "sit up straight, don't slouch". But having proper posture isn't just "shoulders back", there's a bit more to it than that. But, I promise, the benefits will be plentiful!

This is how I default stand (which is kind of embarrassing when it's captured in a picture).

Slouchy shoulders, tummy rolled forward and standing on one foot.

First, start with your feet. Stand evenly weighted with your feet under your hips. Point your toes forward. 

Don't push your belly forward and roll your hips back.
This is proof of tight hip flexors. Try the cobra or upward
dog yoga poses to stretch and lengthen them out.

Your spine should be virtually flat and if you are not
used to it, rolling your hips forward may feel like you
are sucking your bum in.

Lastly, pull your shoulders up, back, and down. Your middle finger should line up with your side pant seam.

I think Wren was listening to my instructions on good posture. She's got it down! How about you? Give it a try when you are doing the dishes or standing chatting to someone. You can't go wrong with amazing posture.

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