
Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Babies

A couple days ago we had the opportunity to visit a brand new baby and my-oh-my it sure makes me realise how much Wren has grown and changed since she was a newborn. I've loved all the stages though - the newborn - the rolling/cooing phase - the crawling phase. They are all exciting. I read this bumper sticker the other day that said "There's never TOO many children, that's like saying there are too many flowers".
Big blue-eyed girl.

These gorgeous flowers that made my mom happy.

Wren, Mom, Kyriel, and I went to meet the new baby, Tara Lee. She is absolutely perfect.
I love how they scrunch right up like this.

This baby is so pretty!

Wren makes funny faces and waits until you laugh. Here's one of them.

Here's the last half of another funny face.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making my uterus hurt!! haha AHH I LOVE BABIES!!! LOVE wren's silly faces!
