Well Wren has just turned 9 months and I've been getting lots of compliments on my body lately so I thought I'd share a little of the journey with you. First of all, it was no secret that I didn't like being pregnant. I felt big, awkward, and ugly. But being pregnant has brought the two greatest blessings to me. The biggest and first one is Wren, obviously (we love her to death)! And the second one was a bit unexpected to me, the birth of my self confidence. I've always struggled with the number on the scale or the size of my pants or this tiny bulge here or there and maybe even having it consume me while I always thought of how I appeared to the world. With that being said, 9 months post partum (about the craziest, traumatic thing your body will go through in a life time, stretch marks and all), I have come to not only accecpt this body but somehow love it. I've lost ALL 50lbs of baby weight plus 10lbs more. I've been blessed now with the capicity to look at my body as an amazing thing and because of that I have a whole lot more respect for myself so I treat my body well and listen to it. Anyways I don't want this to be a huge long post all about me and my victories but just thought I'd share a little bit. Here are some pics along the way.
This was right before going to the hospital, I still needed to pack my bag. |
This was 30-something weeks |
Right after Wren was born. |
Ron&Ayla's wedding: 4 months post baby. |
Blueberry planting: 5 months post baby. |
Last week: 9 months post baby |
2 days ago: 9 months post baby |
Now lots of people ask me what I have been doing to get here and I can honestly say, "not that much actually". However, I do maybe have a few tips up my sleeve (especially with my PTS now) so I thought I should do a weekly tip......let me know what you guys think.
ummm YES PLEASE!!!!