
Thursday, April 18, 2013


Lists....a lot of them. They are sorted into categories of various types. Anything from preparing our house for a new baby (ie nesting), baby gear, mat leave preparations etc.

Here are some of the items on my list so far.

Exhibit A- Baby Gear
1. Birthing pool from With Child as well as the birth kit to go with it.
2. Some new born diapers for the first 2 weeks (we will continue on with cloth diapers after the meconium). 
3. A second hard car seat (preferably the maxi-cosi or peg-perego one as these ones will adapt with our stroller).

Exhibit B-Essentials

 1. Ergo carrier
2. Newborn girl outfit (if it's a girl)
3. A cute little hat like this one
4. Newborn boy outfit (it it's a boy)
5. 2 natural rubber soothers

Exhibit C- Postpartum
1. A cute bikini top like this one from OldNavy to labor in.
2. Flowy postpartum and breastfeeding friendly tops.
3. Postpartum tummy sucker of some sort (some Spanx would also do).

I'm sure this list will continue to grow, however when we had Wren, I quickly found that there are many baby items on the market (ok like seriously 90% of them) that you don't need. Some are definitely nice and may be even essential to different families but we found that we like to keep it simple. 
We have baby items still from Wren (ie. breast pump, bath tub, stroller, bassinet, girly blankets, dresser/change table cloth diapers etc.) that we found very useful and are not disposable so we will be using them for the second baby. This makes the planning process for second baby much less stressful and much more affordable. 

I like to check things off of lists but I am resisting until we at least find out the sex of the baby. Which we will be announcing mid-May. 
We are welcoming guesses however, because that's always a fun part.


I've been considering doing a baby registry for this next baby because if people would like to welcome this baby with a gift, it would be nice if they were items that we didn't already have and/or would be helpful to us. What are your thoughts on a baby registry. Is it a do or a don't? If we make one, is it rude to direct people to that registry? Any thoughts would be super helpful!

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