
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A little Baking and Crafting

I have the weirdest things on my nesting list. I totally understand that and am fully aware of it. One of the things was to have some baking done that I can freeze and have ready for after the birth (there will be many helping hands at our house I'm sure and I'd like to have a snack for them). Banana bread and chocolate chip cookies are done, still would like to do a few more and different things. Ideas would be great (meals, snacks that are freezer friendly).

Wren has really been into colouring lately. Which I love for so many reasons. This little birdhouse I bought at dollar store for $2. My original idea was for her to paint it but then I figured she could just colour it. Way less messy and the felts she has are washable so we can wipe it down and start over if she wants.

She was so serious as she was colouring it (I think that's from me- serious face while working on a project).

"MOOOMMM, allll done!" Wren said. I'm sure she will go back and fill in the blank spots but hey, it's her project so she can do it however she likes. I love how proud she is of herself.

Do you have any suggestions for toddler crafts that are minimal mess and cheap on the supplies? I'd love to hear!

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