
Monday, August 2, 2010

Morning Yoga on the Dock

I have been starting to get wound up lately and caught up with too much stress which is just adding extra baggage to lugg around. So after a couple anxiety attacks, I was told by many, I need to just take it easy and enjoy life.......I'm glad this has brought on a regular morning or evening yoga routine (which is enjoyed on the dock). I forgot just how amazing it is to take those deep breaths and slow down. Lane snuck a few pictures of me doing yoga this morning, here's one of them! Kind of a funny picture because you can only see water all around me, but the sun was shining on me.
Have a good long weekend everyone.


  1. Awesome! Cool pic. Good habits.

  2. Jocelyn! I love your blog! It's adorable to look through and enjoyable to read! Win!

    This is the best use yet I've seen for that dock.
    You're awesome.
