
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feeling lazy....

Well I'm officially into the third trimester. And just like how I got into the second and suddenly my nausea/vomitting dissappeared, it's the same with this third one. I've have really bad swelling in my feet and hands this past week (not attractive I know) and to top it all off, I think she may have gained 2lbs. I can actually feel the weight of her crushing my pelvis although I suppose this is referred to as round ligament pain.....hmmm.
So anyways I'm just laying in bed these days and can barely get up to go to the washroom. I'm really hoping I can work for at least 6 more solid weeks but we will see what the doctor says next week.
Words of wisdom and encouragment will be thankfully accecpted :)

1 comment:

  1. First very excited to hear you guys are having a girl! Second I know nothing about having children, but I know that when you hold her in your arms all of the last 3 months will disappear. Take care of yourself.
    Landon and Samantha
