
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Wren is 2 months today! It's a little bitter sweet though. She's definitely not a fragile newborn anymore which is sad but it's also very exciting to see her smiling more, cooing, having adorable little whiney cries that say "hold me" and all in all just to see a growing little person staring back at you! She's so small but she's the centre of our family and we love it.

* At the beach in Gibsons for our 2yr anniversary

Monday, December 19, 2011


I can't believe I have the priviledge of spending my days with this gorgeous little girl!

Sleeping Beauty

Monday, November 28, 2011

Play Mat!

Well Wren has been quite the busy girl. She likes action and starts fussing the minute it stops. We plopped her on the play mat from GrandmaA and she loved it! It was so cute to watch her kicking away (it has lots of crinkly bits on it) with big, blue curious eyes.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wren's Sunday best

Thursday, November 10, 2011

From Wren

Well hello there

Mom and Dad took me to the doctors on Monday and I'm now weighing 8.2lbs and filling out quite nicely if I must say so. Mom and me and now home alone together. She is very good company and lets me do lots of this.....
while she catches up on laundry, dishes and whatever all else she does while I sleep. I've grown up so big that I'm completely out of my newborn diapers and some of my smaller sleepers graduating to 0 to 3mth clothes and diapers....yayDon't I look so darn cute and grown up?! Well that's all for now.
Until next time,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Funny Faces

Wren is getting to be more alert and awake these days. And she also seems to be talking up a storm to us with her expressions....

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Wren's bird branch mobile made by Mum.

Very cute. Thank you!

Friday, October 28, 2011

New diapers

Our diapers came in the mail! Yay and I'm already in love with them. Wren hasn't fussed about a dirty diaper since. I have to make sure I check it more often because she won't even let me know though.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wren Penelope

This is our new little girl. Wren Penelope born Friday Oct.21/11 at 4:28am, 7.15lbs, 20.5in. She's only 4 days old and has changed so much. Couldn't be more in love with her, she is so perfect!
*new dad in aww

*2 hours after delivery

*so cute!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Come on baby!

Well strike number 2! I started having contractions again on friday night around 11:30pm. I didn't want to wake Lane so I stayed awake and started timing them. They were getting closer together and stronger that I finally couldn't just lay there, I got up and did some laundry around 2:30am which woke Lane up. At this point they were lasting 40-50 seconds and 3-4minutes apart. All the books say you should be headed to the hospital when they are 5 minutes apart! Yikes! So we scrambled, packed our bags and headed to the hospital. The nurse checked me and I was 2cm dilated and the contractions were getting even stronger as we were there. I have to be honest, at this point I started freaking out and thinking I wouldn't be able to make it if this is what 2cm's felt like. The nurse consulted with the doctor only to come back in the room and say that she was sending me home but I could have morphine if I wanted it (I declined. As much as I was starting to feel anxious about the pain, it made her seem so close and it made me feel alive and excited). We went home kind of disappointed but with hope that it was probably close. It's now Monday late afternoon and no progress!!! I'm having contractions still but now they slowed to 10 minutes or more apart with lots of quick sharp pains. I feel so teased by all of this and definitely frustrated as I get more and more uncomfortable.
Anyways.....maybe third time is a charm :P Here are some pictures we took quick right before we went to the hospital so we could remember the belly at its biggest.

And any advice on how to get things moving even if they seem silly would be great.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feeling lazy....

Well I'm officially into the third trimester. And just like how I got into the second and suddenly my nausea/vomitting dissappeared, it's the same with this third one. I've have really bad swelling in my feet and hands this past week (not attractive I know) and to top it all off, I think she may have gained 2lbs. I can actually feel the weight of her crushing my pelvis although I suppose this is referred to as round ligament pain.....hmmm.
So anyways I'm just laying in bed these days and can barely get up to go to the washroom. I'm really hoping I can work for at least 6 more solid weeks but we will see what the doctor says next week.
Words of wisdom and encouragment will be thankfully accecpted :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Yay THIRD trimester today!!!!

This is sort of a miscellaneous post with some stuff we've been up to and some baby junk.

Today we had another prenatal appointment and it was the first appt. where I've been later in the day so there was a bit of a wait (along with lots of other preggies). It's funny because up until today, in that moment, I've felt so out of place. Like I'm a giant compared to everyone else but I felt like I fit in when I was surrounded by all these other cute, sweaty, blessed bellies. It was great!

We have definitely been very busy with everything from house reno's, to surprise birthday parties (my mom's 50th), to baby stuff, to new and exciting purchases......

A welcomed addition to the house, laundry machines!! They just came today, fresh from the delivery people with detergent coupons and everything. Lane was even so excited that he wanted to sit and watch the first load being washed haha. And I've never been so excited to do laundry before that I'm actually looking forward to all the diapers and baby clothes lol.

Lane pulled apart the deck which he will be redoing this week hopefully and be making the 'after' pictures absolutely stunning.
This was one of the first things we bought when we found out we were pregnant, a handmade sock monkey off of Etsy. The shelf is also a new addition to the room :P
Solid wood rocking chair we scored off of Craigslist for $30!
Lane and I were 'window' shopping and came across this pillow. It was SO perfect with all its rich and bright colours that we had to go back and buy it.
Some progress with the crib. It's primed at least and ready for paint (a lot more work than we saw ourselves doing when we imagined a white crib).

Monday, June 20, 2011

Belly Bump update

Well on high demand, here are some new belly pictures (well belly and the rest of my growing body). This week I've had quite a bit of swelling too in my legs and feet which I suppose is expected but nonetheless, it's very nice to put them up at bedtime. We are very excited for the big ultrasound coming up this week. And the last time we saw our baby was at 7 weeks and it was fairly tiny, this time we will be able to see that its a little baby with a face and arms and legs and everything!

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Friday, June 17, 2011


These are my cravings lately. Lots of sour and salty things and fruit....oh and milk to wash it all down. Does this mean its a boy or girl? What are your guesses?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Half way there!

Last night was one of those nights where I just could not get to sleep. I made a mental list of all the things we still need to do and I'm not sure if the outcome was a good thing or a bad thing because now it's just left me overwhelmed. We are, however, at week 20 which is fantastic knowing that this little gaffer is still growing strong and we will be parents in 20 weeks (give or take)!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baby rooms on my brain

We find out in 2 weeks what we are having!!!! Which means we can start putting the baby room together. These are my favourites so far. Loving the eclectic look.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

To all the moms!

Well as Lane would say, I'm only a half mother this year but I can't help thinking every day what kind of a mother I will be. Will I be too hard or too easy on our kids? Will I show them the difference between right and wrong and what's truly important in life? Will I be a good Christ-like example to them? Lane and I have the privileged of going to Jordan and Kyriel's wedding on Friday and her Dad gave a beautiful speech. I won't forget what he said about raising a family, "What you do, your children will do and what's important to you, will be important to your children and most of all what you love, your children will love." I'm so glad there are so many great parents and moms out there who are so selfless and I hope that I can take from their example.
I have been wanting a good camera to get into photography with as a hobby so for mother's day, Lane got me this 70's camera. It still needs a lens but I'm very excited to start playing around with it!

My steady growing belly.

Every time I wake up in the morning, I look in the mirror at how fast and how much my body is changing. I've worked out a few days but not too much because I'm scared of cutting of oxygen or rattling the baby around or something. It just feels different that's all. I've put on 10 pounds already which is hard to see on the scale but am grateful that its because of a new life and that makes it easier to handle. But what's WAY easier to handle is this second trimester! It does have its new 'fun surprises' but they seem much more manageable than the vomiting and bad nausea.
We are excited to have our big ultrasound scheduled to find out the gender so we are literally counting down the days, it will just be so nice to put a name to our baby and feel more attached to it (and then we don't have to refer to it as "it" either lol).
Well here's a few pictures from previous weeks. Enjoy!

Week 11

Week 12
Week 13
Week 14

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drum roll please......

This post makes all my other ones seem like fluff haha... Just weeks after getting the news that it would be impossible for us to conceive without the help of medical aid, we found out we were pregnant! (Actually we probably were already when they told us that we couldn't). Either way, we definitely feel so blessed and to say that this is such a God-sent miracle message would definitely be an understatement. It's an overwhelming and humbling feeling that this is actually US that are expecting. We've both been very grateful for all the support from family and friends and I've been so glad for my wonderful husband who cooks supper for me and lets me take LOTS of naps.
Our big day is November 1st (01/11/11) which seems so close and yet so far away.
Here are some belly pictures, however, they were taken at night so they aren't the most flattering :P

Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10