This is sort of a miscellaneous post with some stuff we've been up to and some baby junk.
Today we had another prenatal appointment and it was the first appt. where I've been later in the day so there was a bit of a wait (along with lots of other preggies). It's funny because up until today, in that moment, I've felt so out of place. Like I'm a giant compared to everyone else but I felt like I fit in when I was surrounded by all these other cute, sweaty, blessed bellies. It was great!
We have definitely been very busy with everything from house reno's, to surprise birthday parties (my mom's 50th), to baby stuff, to new and exciting purchases......
A welcomed addition to the house, laundry machines!! They just came today, fresh from the delivery people with detergent coupons and everything. Lane was even so excited that he wanted to sit and watch the first load being washed haha. And I've never been so excited to do laundry before that I'm actually looking forward to all the diapers and baby clothes lol.

Lane pulled apart the deck which he will be redoing this week hopefully and be making the 'after' pictures absolutely stunning.

This was one of the first things we bought when we found out we were pregnant, a handmade sock monkey off of Etsy. The shelf is also a new addition to the room :P

Solid wood rocking chair we scored off of Craigslist for $30!

Lane and I were 'window' shopping and came across this pillow. It was SO perfect with all its rich and bright colours that we had to go back and buy it.

Some progress with the crib. It's primed at least and ready for paint (a lot more work than we saw ourselves doing when we imagined a white crib).