
Saturday, February 6, 2010

The good things

I woke up this morning having one of those days. The kind where everything seems to be wrong. I felt so blue and kept dwelling on the things that weren't working in my favor. Instead of having a nap, I decided to plug in my iPod and go for a run. While I was running, I tried to think of as many things as I could that I love! This is what I came up with....
1. Fresh air
2. Running on crunchy leaves
3. Pink trees

4. Tickling Lane

5. This radical bus

6. Sunrays against my skin

7. Surfing/Beaches

8.Morning coffee

9. The color combo teal and chocolate brown
10. Chandeliers

11. Bob Marley

12. The Train Game!

13. Listening to different peoples stories

14. Yoga

15. Damask pattern

16. Gerber daisies

These are just a few things that has changed my mood today. I'm going to think of these things when I've got negative thoughts taking over my mind.
~Jocelyn Anderson~


  1. oh, and next time can we please play the train game!?

  2. I was told this week that all the hard times that we go through are for us to build "spiritual muscle" - you are going to be so strong!! Read the Psalms, they always help me - Psalm 40 especially. Just keep on keeping on!!
